// Juni 30th, 2012 // No Limit
Yesterday (29th June) we met early to start our day trip with two famous dive sites. First ABU KAFAN and then SALEM EXPRESS.
It was a bit windy for proper freediving but after we reached ABU KAFAN the conditons were good.
I always wanted to become one with the ocean. No suit, no fins – nothing but me.
Recently I´ve heared about SKANDALOPETRA Diving. A ancient way of freediving.
Here you dive down with a stone with a weight of 8 – 12 kg. The stone is connected with a line leading back to the surface. The buddy is pulling the diver back to surface after reaching his depth.
There I was. Just me and my beloved sea. A man, a stone and the sea.
The first dive was down to 30m to check if everything working fine. It was superb!
Another dive to 30m to make sure everything is okay and then I prepared myself to go down to 60m on SKANDALOPETRA.
The sea was calm and I was deeply relaxed. One last breath and I went down into the blue abyss. My heartbeat was strong and slow. I felt the connection with the sea. Down at 60m I could see the bottom of the reef at around 85m. I pulled the line and the lift went up.I had two safety divers down there. One was Birga with her new Rebreather, the other one was Nik, the underwater filmer.
They were pulling fast. The whole dive was 1:47 sec. and I had no contractions at all. Thanks to the whole crew of the Boat „Toshka“ for supporting.
After lunch we made our way to the famous wreck of the SALEM EXPRESS for some underwater shot. The visibility was great but we had a bit currant.
It was amazing to dive this wreck!
After one hour of filming underwater we had some awesome clips and I had another beautiful memory.