// Juli 14th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Day Off // General
On the 12th July my coaches put me on a day off. Well, after three days of deep diving they are right. But I´m not very good in having days off.
The most of the day we spend in the hotel laying in the sun close to the beach or in our room watching movies. I must say it was very relaxing and I got some energy back.
After each day of deep diving the Depth takes some of my energy and in the evening I feel quite tired. That must be the price for taking a small look into the Blue Abyss :-)
// Juli 14th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Again, again and again // No Limit
The Training Plan for the 11th was to make the proof that I´m able to do 100m Depth three Times in a row before we are moving on with another Target Depth.
The warm up dives were good , as usual and then we did 60m than 80m and finaly the 102m Depth. That Dives is another Personal Best for me and I was very happy.
In my head there is this BLUE…this Blue Water. :-)
// Juli 11th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Equalisation Work // No Limit
On the 10th July around 13:00 I picked up my girl from the airport. Finally she is here and supports me during my training. I really missed her!
Today my coaches decided to work on my equalisation skills insteed of going for another deep dive.
We did one 60m Dive and two 80m with the mouthfill charge in 10m Depth. All Dives felt good but on my first 80m I didn´t heared the alarm so I guess the charge was done deeper than 10m Depth.
It is so strange…down at 100m I have less air even thouh I charged my mouth around 25m Depth. And in 80m Depth I have air left and I charged it in only 10m Depth.
During my saftey deco at 6m with 100% my girl showed me two big barracudas.
// Juli 11th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Depth Reloaded // No Limit
On The 9th July I spent my morning in Dahab. I was driving my motorbike and enjoyed the day. Around noon I went back to Sharm el Sheikh for serious training. Even thou I was just one day off but I missed the blue water a lot.
When I arrived in the Divecenter I changed into my wetsuit and went into the sea. I really enjoy my warmup dives a lot.
For the Deep Dives we went first 60m then 80m and then finaly 100m again.
It was very important for me the redo the 100m and they felt really nice and smooth.
// Juli 9th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Day Off in Dahab // No Limit
I spent my Day Off (8th July) in Dahab to see some friends, make my laundry and fix some Things in my House in Dahab. The Aircon in the living room needed to get some gas refilled and some parts of the water pump needed to be changed.
It was a very relaxed Day where I had the chance to try a Enduro Motorbike in the Evening. Later on I had Dinner with Lotta, her Brother Alex and Memo, a freediver from Turkey.
But now I was lazy enough…I need to get back into the BLUE! :-)
// Juli 8th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für My Dream came true! 100m Depth for the first Time! // No Limit
Yesterday (7th July) was a amazing day.
On my training I was again working on my mouthfill so we did dives to 60m then to 70m and all mouthfilling happen on 10m.
I managed to keep konstant pressure on the equalisation on both dives.
After those dives I asked…How deep is the lind? My coaches sayed well you did that before..around 90m.
Well okay for me thou. So instead of having my computer on my noseclip line I put it in my hood.I put one alarm on 20m for my mothfill charge and one on 78m to know that the end is coming soon. During my breathing I felt very relaxed and I finaly went down into the blue abyss.
I was wondering…there was no alarm on 20m so I screwed up the mothfill. I keep refilling and refilling but there was no alam. Part of the air I swallowed back into my throat which is not good. Then I didn´t hear the alarm in 78m either. What is wrong?
Well I finally hit the bottom of the line and it was easy. I inflated the ballon and took my way back to the surface. I looked at my computer and it sayed 4,5 m Depth. It sucked vacuum on my skin so it was not measuring. Very funny.
Then my coach Andrea told me that I reached a new Personal Best with a Depth of 100m. It always was a dream since I started freediving to reach that magical depth.
In the end I was very happy that I reached the 100m and they felt nice even with all that issues.
In the evening I was driving with my friend Sameh to my house in Dahab to have a Day off.
// Juli 7th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Back on 90´s // No Limit
During my Training yesterday (6th July) I had a wonderful warm up. I´ve been down at 13m enjoying the BLUE and then I resurfaced after a dive time of 3:20min.
Before I went to a greater Depth I did 50m / 60m and a 70m. Always charged the mouthfill at around 10m.
Then Marco set the Line on around 90m Depth. I was so looking for that Dive. Since 91m is my personal best I was wondering how it would feel like. It´s 3 Years ago since I was down to that Depth.
On the Dive I felt very relaxed. I charged the mouthfill when I heared the alarm at 20m and then I just … enjoyed the ride… :-)
Then I hit the Bottom…91m and it felt wonderful. Even thou a bit air left in my mouth. But still I know that I have to work on my Mouthfill Technique. I need to get more air for equalisation.
They way back was very fast. It was a nice ride.
In the evening I enjoyed a Burger at Il Mercado and went to bed.It was sooo good. At 1:30 am I woke up very thursty. Well, I use to sleep without aircon and I was very hot in my room.
Of course I forgot to buy some water… so I put my clothes on and went to the super market to get some Water. I felt so sleepy :-) Then finaly I rehydrated myself and found some sleep again.
// Juli 6th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Progressing… // No Limit
As usual my day (5th July) started quite similar as on the other days. Waking up at 8:30 am, having breakfast, reading my book and finaly go to the divecenter.
As usualy I was early so I took the chance to have a chat with the other guys. Those days the egyptian freediving record holder Ashod Papazian is around for some vacation and training. I did´nt saw him since years. After the chatting I started my stretching session with some breathing exercises.
Then I prepared myself for going into the water. Andrea prepared the sled and then I did my warm up dives. On the last dive I felt extra relaxed and I managed to do 3:17 min resurfacing after the first contraction.
Back on the sled the programm was one dive to 40m then to 50m then to 60m seeing how much air is left for equalisation. Andrea did a 80m Dive inbetween.Afterwards I should go for the 80m but my left ear blocked. So I pushed the brake and resurfaced. A couple of minutes later I tryed again.
On that dive I went down to 81m and it felt very nice and easy. The color of the depth is getting more and more dark blue. I like it!
After my dive Andrea went to 103m charging his mouthfill in 35m. It was of course nice and easy for him.
In the evening went to bed quite early :-)
// Juli 5th, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für The first Ride // No Limit
The morning (4th July) started lazy. I slept long – had some breakfast – then I was watching a movie.
When I arrived at the center Andrea and Marco still had another student for training. When they finished Andrea came by and he told me „We´re gonna play“!
That ment that it was my first training day in the Sled. At around 16:00 we went into the water. We had the sled with us und the robe. While Andrea and Marco prepared the sled I started my warum up with a several dives to 15m – waited there until the first contraction came and then I resurfaced. The longest warmup dive was 3:03 min.
When the sled was ready they gave me a intruduction for the sled. There are two tanks on the sled for inflation the ballon – one main tank and one spare tank. The brake will stop the sled imidiatly. Beside that there is a safety lanyard fixed above the sled.For filming they fixed one of UK GERMANY´s Go Pro Housings on the sled. The whole construction is just amazing. Finaly I prepared myself and when the 2min countdown finished I went into the blue sea.
I had to do the mouthfill in 8m and use only this air without refilling. It was a very nice feeling but the ride was quite short. Then I hit the 40m. I opened the valve of the tank and looked at the ballon how it inflated. Then I made my way back to the surface. At about 15m Andrea touched me. That was the signal for opening the quickrelease of the lanyard. I was free and the sled went without me. The last meters I did myself. It was a amazing first ride.
We kept on diving first to 50m. Then another dive using the brake. On each dive I had to focus on my position during ascent and descent.The first day on the sled is to get used to it. On my last dive for the day my Scubapro Meridian Diving Computer sayed: 61,5m and that dive was for sure sooooo easy.
Back in the center we were watching the on Board Clip to make some troubleshooting. What we found out was, that I could be a bit more streamlined on the sled puting my arms more close to my body. And I have to work on the position of my head cause I was kind of looking up during the ascents.
Can´t wait for the next session.
In the evening I made a call home and had some dinner. I really needed to eat cause I only had breakfast and two eggs during the whole day.
// Juli 3rd, 2012 // Kommentare deaktiviert für I missed the Sailfish // No Limit
When I woke up in the morning (3rd July) my pain in my middle ear was as good as gone. I had breakfast and then I drove to the center.When I came in Andrea did some maintainance on the diving sled.
My training started with a „dry session“. They call it a mouthfill workshop. Andrea explaned me all the organs in my head which are involved during equalisation with the mouthfill technique. Again I learned a lot and I got a better understanding of this method. We did some exercised to make sure I can move all the organs in order to keep the mouthfill and use them properly. It was amazing! Before I simply did what I thought was right. Now I wondering how I could reach 91m without knowing all this stuff before. Now I´m able to improve the amount of air even more.
On the water session I did the same warmup as yesterday and I managed to do a dive almost 3min long with only one contraction. After that I did a 40m dive with a full mouthfill around 8m. I had more air left down there :-) Then Andrea lowered the rope to 50m and I doved down the same way. Again I had air left down at 52m. On my 3rd dive down to 50m Andrea told me to refill my mouth at a depth of 25m to see if I can manage to do a proper refill at this depth. Well, I could refill even deeper. On my way back from this dive I missed a sailfish of 2,5m length…shit. I should use my fluid googles and keep my eyes open. That would have been my 2nd sailfish within a few days. It´s incredible how beautiful the red sea is those days. In the evening I met my friend Sameh from Dahab who is lifing in my house there. It was nice to see him. We had dinner at a delicous sea food place in Sharm.